We are on a mission to launch products & services for companies that have a meaningful impact on the world. We are unique in more ways than one. We are well known for innovative design, progressive ways of working, and cutting edge technology - and on top of that we're completely independent. We also don’t take ourselves too seriously, though - it’s all about enjoying the journey. We create and find digital solutions to take care of your problems, so that you don’t have to. We care deeply about modern consumer needs. We are on a mission to empower companies by building them products and services that are ground-breaking. Our commitment towards quality and sustainability reflects in everything that we do - be it our pursuit of innovative design, cutting edge technology, or progressive ways of working!
So arbeiten wir
We are a bunch of digital enthusiasts who are constantly trying to anticipate your requirements and offer apt solutions. Technology is at the heart of the disruptive economy, and we are here to help you benefit from it. Our solutions are tailored to help you access the best in the business, communicate better and solve problems faster. In the process we also want to create moments of joy, discovery and delight to make these experiences memorable for you.
Agiles Arbeiten
Design Thinking
Flache Hierarchien
Casual Friday
Internationale Kollegen
Tools und Tech Stack
Unser Standort
We are located at the center of the beautiful city of Munich in Bavaria, Germany.
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Unser Büro
Our office is quite quaint, considering it was a traditional bavarian bakery once which we transformed into a vibrant work space. Does it reflect our personality? Well, you could say! Come visit us for coffee and take a tour of our services.
Haustiere erlaubt
Eigenes Arbeitsgerät erlaubt
Flexible Arbeitsplätze
Homeoffice möglich
Vorteile bei uns
- MacBooks are our weapons of choice - Stylish and open office in the heart of Munich - Flexible working hours & home office - Free coffee, beer and other beverages - Dinner's on us! (You work late on projects? Then we'll pay you your dinner) - Fresh fruits & snacks
Kaffee & Tee
Obst & Snacks
Flexible Arbeitszeiten